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  • Who is eligible to submit to the festival?
    All submitted films MUST be directed by women or non-binary filmmakers, inclusive of BIPOC women, LGBTQ+ women, and disabled women. Any submitted films that do not meet this requirement will be disqualified from festival consideration. Writers, producers, and crew may be woman-identifying, man-identifying or non-binary.
  • I don’t work or live in the United States. Am I eligible to submit to this festival?
    Yes, 13 Minutes happily accepts international submissions, but films must be in English or have English subtitles.
  • I am a previous 13 Minutes Official Selection. May I submit to this year's festival?
    Yes, filmmakers selected for previous 13 Minutes' programs may submit. However, being a 13 Minutes alum does NOT guarantee selection for the current year.
  • I am a member of Nyx Horror Collective. May I submit my film to 13 Minutes?
    Yes, members of Nyx Horror Collective are welcome to submit, excluding the 13 Minutes Co-producers. However, being a member of Nyx Horror Collective does NOT guarantee selection to the 13 Minutes festival program.
  • Are animated films accepted?
  • Can I use nudity in my film?
    IMPLIED nudity is acceptable. However, anything that is sexually explicit will be disqualified.
  • Is there a fee to submit to the festival?
    No, submitting your film to 13 Minutes is free of charge.
  • Is there a separate category for student films?
    No, there is no separate category; any selected student films will be screened with the rest.
  • Can I submit a film that I have co-directed?
    You may only submit a co-directed film if you are submitting as a directing team. If you are applying as an individual, your film must be a project that you have directed on your own. Regardless, you will need to choose whether you would like to submit as an individual or as part of a team; if you try to submit both, you risk disqualification. If submitting as a team, please submit a single form; a prompt for co-director/teammate names is included in the online submission form.
  • May I submit a film that has screened previously at other festivals?
    You may submit films regardless of prior screening status or year of completion. We accept material submitted to other festivals, competitions or contests.
  • May I submit multiple films?
    No. Filmmakers are limited to one (1) entry, so please submit your best work.
  • Can my representation submit my film for me?
    No. Please submit your film yourself.
  • Do you accept email or mail submissions?
    No, we do not. Please apply using the online form before the deadline.
  • Will uploading my film to Vimeo or YouTube make it public?
    No. All links may be password protected. You may enter a password protected link for Vimeo or an unlisted or private link for YouTube when completing the submission form. Links must remain active and accessible through August 14, 2022.
  • My materials are already available on another website. Can I provide those links rather than upload to Vimeo?
    No. Please use either Vimeo or YouTube.
  • Does my application have to be received by April 13, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST?
    Yes, your application MUST be received NO LATER than April 13, 2022 at 11:59 PM PST. Our website will not accept applications past the April 13th 11:59 PM PST deadline.
  • Is there ANY circumstance that would allow me to have an extension on the submission deadline?
    No. To be fair towards everyone who submits, extensions will not be granted.
  • How do I know my submission has gone through?
    You should receive a confirmation email at the email address you entered on your submission form.
  • May I make changes to my entry after submitting?
    No, entries will be evaluated as they are submitted.
  • How will films be selected for screening?
    All films submitted to the festival are viewed and scored by a panel of knowledgeable, experienced judges who love both horror and short films. Festival Co-producers are excluded from the judging process.
  • How many films will be chosen?
    The number of films selected for screening will depend on the number of entrants, as well as the number of films that meet our judges’ criteria. However, thirteen (13) films will be awarded laurels as "Official Selections". Two of those thirteen films will be awarded laurels as "Extraordinary Selections", and one of those thirteen films will be awarded laurels as a "Top Selection".
  • When and how will I be informed as to whether or not my film has been chosen for screening?
    Selected filmmakers will be notified via email no later than late June. PLEASE, NO EMAIL INQUIRIES—WE WILL NOT RESPOND.
  • If my film is NOT chosen, will you provide notes or feedback?
    Unfortunately, due to time constraints and the large number of submissions, we are unable to give individual feedback.
  • May I withdraw my film?
    Once a film has been accepted into the official festival program it can no longer be withdrawn. If you wish to withdraw your entry prior to acceptance emails going out, then please contact us directly.
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